June 12, 2011

Today Chris, my mom, and also owner of Dog Days of Cape Cod, LLC, took me to the Celebration of Paws in Brewster.  It was a fundraiser for the Animal Rescue Leage of Boston (also a branch in Brewster, where my mom got her two cats).  It was a great time for a great cause.  There were all sort of booths and tons of dogs to play with.

After we left the fundraiser, we found this really cool dog specialty store in Chatham called The Chatham Beach Dog.  They had alot of dog toys, treats and items even for humans.  I highly recommend this one!!  There was a really nice dog working there too - a beautiful golden retriever.


June 16, 2011

Today mom took me with her to The Uptown Dog in Falmouth.  Another great place for treats, toys and even stuff for the humans.  The workers there were very friendly, and thought I was wicked cute!


June 23, 2011


This Sunday June 26th, Chris and I will be at the Hounds of Highfield fundraiser to benefit the Friends of Falmouth Dogs.  Stop by and check it out.  I'll be back with my thoughts on the day after we get back on Sunday.  Hope to see you there.  Stop by our table and say hello!!


June 27, 2011

Well, Hounds at Highfield was a big success.  I had a ball.  There were all sorts of vendors and exhibits, and let's not forget all the dogs that were there that I got to meet.  It was a great time!!!  If you didn't make it this year.....put it on your calendar for next. 


July 10, 2011

Chris took me to the Falmouth Dog Park today.  WOW!!!  Cool place.  I met a few other dogs there....a really nice shepherd mix named Luna.  Her mom just got her yesterday!!  What a sweetheart of a dog!!   I had my very own drinking fountain at the dog park, too.....my height and everything.  There was some shade for me to play in as well as sun if I wanted to work on my tan.  Unfortunately, mom got kind of hot in the sun, but I hear they maybe putting in a cover for the humans!  Highly recommended to get your human to take you to the Falmouth Dog Park.


July 17, 2011

We went to the Sandwich Sidewalk Fest today.  It was fun.  We marched in the dog parade.  I didn't win anything this year, but there were some cool costumes that the other guys had on!!


July 21, 2011

We went back to the Falmouth Dog Park....but this time in the late afternoon.  There were lots of dogs to play with there at that hour and it was nice and cool out.  I was a little timid going in at first, but everyone loved to play.  Good time!!  Highly recommended!!


July 29, 2011

Just a visit to Joseph's Obedience Training School.  What a great place....I think I will take an agility class or Canine Good Citizen course there this fall!!!


July 30,2011

Mom said we are going to go to Hot Diggity in the Mashpee Commons today!  I can't wait....that means I get a special treat....maybe one of those doggie elcairs or f special frosted cookies.  Mom looks jealous when I get one....cuz she says they look good enough for a human to eat.  But THEY ARE MINE!!! 


I was right!!!  I got a really cool Coll-E Claire.  YUM!!!  Stop by and check it out!!  A very cool store with a couple great dogs that help the owners out.